流媒体的圣杯是一组文件,你可以安全地传送到所有的目标端点. The most likely candidate to help achieve this is the Common Media Application Format (CMAF). While still not capable of delivering the holy grail to all clients everywhere, CMAF已经成为一种互操作性努力的DNA,它将极大地简化发行商和玩家之间的兼容性. 最终,它可能会带来圣杯.
After a brief description of CMAF, I’ll jump into the things you need to know about it.
CMAF is standard for segmented media delivery formalized as ISO/IEC 23000-19. 具体地说, CMAF uses the ISO Base Media File Format (ISOBMFF) container—with common 加密 (CENC); support for H.264, HEVC, and other codecs; and Web Video Text Tracks Format (WebVTT) and IMSC-1 captioning. 不像破折号和HTTP直播(HLS), CMAF isn’t a presentation format; it’s a container format that can contain one set of audio/ video files, with manifest files for multiple presentation formats and multiple DRMs.
CMAF设计要解决的问题如图所示 图1, Web应用视频生态系统(WAVE)项目为2018年10月在洛杉矶举行的WAVE训练营制作的演示文稿(文章后面有更多关于WAVE的内容). 为图中右侧所示的所有端点提供服务, 你需要四种不同格式的文件:HLS, 破折号, 光滑的流, 和HTTP动态流(HDS).
根据图, 这将花费您四倍的编码/打包费用和四倍的原始存储空间,并降低内容的可缓存性. 与CMAF, 你有一组音频/视频文件在一个碎片的MP4格式与非常轻量级的清单文件为所有四种自适应比特率(ABR)格式. 理论上,这可以减少75%的编码和存储成本,并使缓存更加高效.
对于大多数用户来说,这些节省的数字被夸大了,因为有多种技术可以实现非常相似的节省. 一个突出的例子是即时(JIT)打包器,它输入一组MP4文件(现场或视频点播),并根据每个观看者的需要进行即时打包. This means one set of MP4 files, not four, and no transcoding. Companies that use JIT 包装 see CMAF as providing some efficiencies, 但肯定不是节省75%的编码和存储.
例如, 我采访了伊兰·科恩布劳, 他是创作的首席架构师, 谁说, “我们有自己的即时包装机, 这是非常有效的. 它输入MP4流并输出所有必要的协议,并提供了很大的灵活性,因为我们不需要事先编码和打包.”
我向Kornblau询问了成本方面的问题,因为JIT打包需要始终运行服务器. 他回答说, “我们的包装人员效率很高, so 包装 to CMAF in advance wouldn’t save significant resources over JIT 包装.我从杰罗姆·布兰克那里得到了类似的回答, Anevia压缩产品执行副总裁, 它也部署了JIT打包. 他说, “We’ve optimized our 包装 and 加密 engine so it doesn’t cost a lot; maybe we could trim CPU costs by 10% or so by delivering static content as opposed to JIT.”
JIT isn’t the only way to serve multiple formats with a single data store. 据沈月石说, principal research engineer and engineering manager at Twitch, CMAF对Twitch来说短期利益不大,因为它可以通过HLS达到所有相关目标. “针对不支持HLS的目标平台,沈解释道, “我们的玩家可以实时转换到破折号.“当然可以。, Twitch主要针对电脑和移动设备, 哪里的HLS支持是普遍的, 而不是智能电视, 破折号盛行的地方, and it may be complicated to add transmuxing within that environment.
澄清一下, CMAF does deliver some storage and caching efficiencies over JIT 包装, 尽管范围取决于您的分发体系结构以及您是在原始服务器还是在边缘进行打包. 看看Akamai生态系统中早期的CMAF采用者, 将法律, 该公司媒体云工程的首席架构师, 从我们这边分享, 在HLS/TS多drm实现被单筒仓HLS/CMAF实现取代的情况下,我们看到的最大好处是提高了缓存效率.“还, 对大多数生产者来说, CMAF doesn’t deliver the 4x encoding/storage savings suggested in 图1.
部署带有DRM的CMAF的最大障碍可能与CMAF中可用的两种不兼容的加密模式有关. Pieter-Jan Speelmans解释道, THEO技术公司的首席技术官, “There are two 加密 modes used: CBC (sometimes noted as CBCS), 苹果主要使用的是FairPlay DRM, 和CTR, 这是用于Widevine和PlayReady. 因为苹果不想增加对点击率的支持, Google and Microsoft have added CBC support to their DRM systems.
“然而, for certain DRM levels, you will need hardware support for these 加密 modes. 不支持CBC模式的旧设备将无法支持硬件级DRM. 类似的, while Content Decryption Models (CDMs) are being updated to support CBC, 您的设备在使用此加密播放内容之前需要获得此更新. 不支持这一功能的平台可能涵盖较老的OTT设备(如智能电视和机顶盒), 等.)和一些未更新的移动设备. 软件DRM可以内置在应用中以规避这一问题, 但它当然不是硬件级别的DRM.”
Elaborating on the problem at the NAB 2019 presentation “Best Practices for Deploying CMAF, 破折号和HLS的规模,——大卫·麦克拉里, NBC体育数字视频技术副总裁, 说, “与我们交谈过的每个人都表示,CBCS支持将在未来12至18个月内(针对新设备和更新)推出。. But you’re always going to have the problem of older devices. Devices that only support CTR and not CBCS aren’t going away, 我不知道它们是否会更新. 这是我们在尝试支持旧设备时必须考虑的问题.”
It’s not just hardware endpoints; it’s also some browser versions. 例如, 大卫•艾森巴赫, EZDRM的首席执行官, 指出,“微软Edge和ie浏览器目前不能播放某些类型的播放就绪保护视频加密与CBC. This should be fixed for Edge when Microsoft releases its new version based on Chromium, 但很可能永远无法解决ie浏览器的问题.”
关于这个设备支持问题的总结,请查看Phil Harrison在LinkedIn上的一篇优秀文章, “这是关于CBCS的时间.”
While the CMAF “promise” is one set of files for all endpoints, 大多数初始实现将是CMAF 除了…之外 various flavors of 破折号 or HLS to enable support for legacy devices. 正如麦克拉里在NAB演讲中所说的那样, “There will be a period of time where we deploy HLS and CMAF together. 它不会是某一天我们拨动的开关. So it’s this in-between phase [when it’s] going to be complicated to figure out what we do.”
在他们必读的白皮书中, “走向大规模部署CMAF”, 来自Brightcove的四位作者, 包括尤里·雷兹尼克, outline their vision for deploying CMAF within the Brightcove Video Cloud platform, 它的概述显示在 图2. 顾名思义, Video Cloud is a cloud-based system that includes multiple components, 例如上下文感知编码, 还有一个动态的传输系统,可以控制传输, 包装, 加密, 并向cdn提供内容.
从积极的角度来看, the Brightcove authors reveal that adding CMAF to their ecosystem was straightforward, 声明“将CMAF添加到已经支持几种现有交付格式的动态转换的系统中相对简单, and boils down to a few elements: more restrictive profile generation and encoding, 添加了一个额外的ISOBMFF转换器, 并向HLS和破折号舱单生成器添加额外规则,以生成与cmaf兼容的舱单.”
然而, 他们还指出,CMAF作为一种格式将是附加的:“虽然在短期内,CMAF很可能不得不与其他类型的HLS共存, 破折号, 以及其他一些交付格式, 能够解码的设备就越多, 我们将开始看到更明显的好处. 即使是动态传输和传输, cdn的使用仍然不够理想, with multiple versions of [the] same content competing for CDN cache at the edge.简而言之, 从碎片化的角度来看, this means CMAF will make things worse before it makes them better.
When does it make sense to add CMAF to your existing formats? 在2019年5月的SF视频技术聚会上, Brightcove的Reznik做了一个有趣的演讲,题目是, 关于CMAF:部署第三种流媒体格式可以降低成本吗?” 在这里, 他首先模拟了哪些数据会被缓存在CDN上, 这一点很明显,最受欢迎的数据, 或者是由最受欢迎的玩家检索到的数据, 被缓存的概率最高.
有趣的是, 这一点揭穿了交付四种格式会使与在边缘缓存数据相关的费用增加四倍的概念. 这是, 如果你向1%的观众提供流畅的流媒体服务, HDS给1%的观众, 破折号降至5%, HLS为93%, 您的缓存存储成本不会翻四倍——它们可能会保持在原来的1倍,因为只有HLS会被缓存. 当然, there are other costs and potentially lower quality of service for the noncached formats, 但单纯的存储成本不会翻两番.
Of course, this same concept works in your favor as CMAF gets more popular. 如图所示 图3, once the percentage of CMAF-capable players exceeds 84%, CDN costs should break even. 正如我们之前看到的, 与其他格式有关的其他费用将会增加, and QoE to those devices will decrease because the data isn’t cached at the edge.
Once 84% of your endpoints can play from the CMAF files, CDN costs start to drop.
The fact that CMAF will be additive shouldn’t come as a surprise. “I still believe that we will have to handle a fragmented world with multiple codecs, 多种交付格式, 以及各种各样的设备,Magnus Svensson说, 瑞典Eyevinn Technology的媒体解决方案顾问. “从我参与的部署中得到的教训是,只要你想支持许多不同的设备, 尤其是智能电视, 您需要多个工作流.”
How long will you need to continue distributing multiple formats? 这因出版商而异. But the obvious point is that it makes sense to continue legacy support as long as the revenue, 以任何形式, 超出成本. 以年计,这意味着什么?
好吧,别抱太大希望. 据MediaKind的托尼·琼斯报道, “主要问题是, 直到这种用法几乎无处不在, CMAF creates the challenge of an additional format to deliver. 最终状态是, 当然, 通过共性获得真正的好处, but it would appear likely that it will take several years before other formats can be retired.”
想要一个确切的数字吗?? 据肖恩·麦卡锡说, 产品营销经理, 理查德·弗莱姆, 解决方案架构师, 都在Bitmovin, “Many new devices work fine with CENC and a standard 加密 algorithm, 但传统设备需要更具体的说明, 不同的格式. 出于这个原因, CMAF has not yet delivered on the cost-reduction benefits for CDNs, but as customers phase out legacy device support in the next 5+ years, this should be an added benefit to the economics of the streaming workflow.”
无论多么理想或实用, most OTT shops can’t switch over to a new format until they can protect it, 监控它, 它赚钱, 让它在他们所有的目标设备上运行, 不仅适用于当前内容,也适用于遗留内容. You’ve already seen how DRM complicates single format delivery; there are several other areas to consider.
CMAF已经成熟. 在这里's one way to go about using it, with AWS Elemental MediaConvert
微软的大卫·赛义德说, Imagine Communications的David Heppe说, 和Akamai的将法律讨论了CMAF和包装格式的未来,这是他们在2019年流媒体东部会议上的小组讨论.
RealEyes Media Development Manager John Gainfort discusses CDN scaling, 分块编码, 以及它们对延迟的未来影响,这段视频来自他在2019年东流媒体视频工程峰会上的演讲.
Reducing latency for HTTP Adaptive Streaming video to 3 seconds or less is possible, 但这需要一个复杂的工作流程.
10 Oct 2018